Impacto de un Modelo Curricular Alineado en la Calidad del Proceso Aprendizaje-Enseñanza: Estudio Prospectivo a Tres Años

J. Tricio-Pesce*, Juan E. Montt, Andrea P. Ormeno, Cesar Orsini, Claudia A. Naranjo

*Autor correspondiente de este trabajo

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaPósterrevisión exhaustiva

64 Descargas (Pure)


To improve the quality of education at the University of los Andes Dental School through the implementation of the Constructive Alignment model across the six-year programme. The model promotes the strategic alignment between learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities, and assessment tasks, in order to enhance students’ learning. The impact of introducing this learner-centred educational strategy will be assessed in terms of students’ and teachers’ perceptions as well as with students’ approval rates and Effect Size of the intervention.
Methodology: The decision to improve the quality of teaching and learning adopted by the Dental School Council moving from a teacher-centred to a learner-centred approach was a long studied, consulted and discussed one within the University and School stakeholders, as part of its continuing innovation programme. Accordingly, the School community will be informed of the stepwise implementation of the Constructive Alignment model and all 180 teachers from the 78 courses of the programme will be invited to an introductory workshop about it, organised by the School Division for Teaching and Learning (AFODO). Course templates, teaching and learning as well as assessment formative scenarios will be presented to teachers and uploaded to the School e-learning platform to enhance students’ understanding of the new tools & therefore facilitate their learning.

Before implementation starts, several baseline assessments will be performed using validated quantitative instruments: students’ approaches to learning (deep or surface), teachers’ approaches to teaching (deep or surface), and students’ perceptions of the teaching quality.
Subsequently, AFODO will support and encourage the stepwise implementation and delivery of the Constructive Alignment model in a course by course approach. Year-1 and Year-2 courses will implement the new model during the current study first year; Year-3 and Year-4 courses during the second study year; and finally Year-5 and Year-6 courses will do it during the third study year. This process and the subsequent improvements will be supported by the acquisition of an academic software that conceives the alignment model.
Once aligned courses have completed their first delivery at the end of the semester, a resultant assessment will be performed using the same baseline instruments on students and teachers: students’ approaches to learning, teachers’ approaches to teaching, and students’ perceptions of the teaching quality. Furthermore, the educational impact of the new model will be assessed by means of students’ approval rates and the Effect Size before and after implementing the constructive alignment model.

All results will be fed back and shared with the Dental School Curriculum Committee as well as with the inner and wider university community as an evidence for continuous curriculum improvement.

Expected results: From the beginning of the process of aligning learning outcomes to teaching and learning, and assessment tasks, it is expected to see teachers focusing on what the student does to learn. That is, to take a learner-centred approach when planning teaching and learning activities as well as assessment tasks that favour students’ achievement of the intended learning outcomes. Subsequently, once in action, it is also envisaged that teachers will keep this deep approach to teaching.

Regarding students, it is foreseeable an increase in numbers moving from a surface towards a deep approach to learning once the aligned courses begin their delivery. The similar outcome can be expected in their perceptions of the teaching quality. However, previous similar experiences from the literature have prepared our team for some possible initial issues especially in relation to new assessment formats. Hence, an early fall in students’ marks is likely: encouraging gradual changes will limit these effects to the short term.
Finally, during and after its implementation, the model will allow assessing and amending any curriculum deficiencies, getting an experience that will hopefully serve other schools within the university and beyond.
Idioma originalEspañol
Número de páginas29
EstadoPublicada - ago. 2017
EventoCongreso Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Educación - Centro de Extensión de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Duración: 9 ago. 201711 ago. 2017
Número de conferencia: IV


ConferenciaCongreso Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Educación
Título abreviadoCIIE

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