The ABCs of Firm Heterogeneity: The Effects of Demand and Cost Differences on Exporting

Bernardo S Blum*, Sebastian Claro*, Ignatius Horstmann*, David A Rivers*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We develop a novel methodology for disentangling the demand and cost drivers of firm heterogeneity when firms sort themselves into different markets, and we apply it to export status differences. Our methodology results in joint estimates of firm-level productivity and of markups in every market, without imposing functional form restrictions on demand. We find that exporters, relative to nonexporters, (i) have flatter domestic demand curves—thicker domestic markets—and (ii) have higher demand conditional on productivity. Finally, (iii) these demand advantages translate to foreign markets, thereby leading to export status differences.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-67
Number of pages67
JournalJournal of Political Economy
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2024


  • Amil Petrin
  • Daniel Trefler
  • Demand
  • Exporting
  • F12
  • L11 * We thank Dan Ackerberg
  • Markups
  • Productivity JEL codes: F10
  • Victor Aguirregabiria
  • and Frederic Warzynski for help-ful comments


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