Supporting or challenging the status-quo: Antecedents of OCB and taking charge behaviors

Pablo Escribano*, Alvaro Espejo

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


This study seeks a better understanding of two types of discretionary behaviors and their antecedents. We go beyond previous research by conducting a joint analysis of organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB), an affiliative-promotive discretionary behavior, and taking charge behaviors (TCB), a challenging-promotive discretionary behavior. We follow a social exchange perspective, considering both the relationship with the organization and the relationship with the immediate superior. In addition, we study how personality traits and perceived organizational variables affect these behaviors. Results, based on a Chilean sample, show that social exchange with the organization predicts both, OCB and TCB. In contrast, social exchange with the immediate supervisor is only related to some dimensions of OCB. This effect is higher for employees low in power distance. Additionally, openness to experience and perceived organizational value for innovation are antecedents of TCB. Implications for research and managerial practice are discussed.


  • Organizational citizenship behaviors
  • Social exchange
  • Taking charge behaviors


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