Safety of thimerosal containing vaccines. Statement of the Consultive Committee of Immunizations on behalf of the Chilean Infectious Diseases Society

Alma Muñoz Muñoz, Katia Abarca V., Jorge Jiménez De La J., Vivian Luchsinger F., Miguel O'Ryan G., Erna Ripoll M., M. Teresa Valenzuela B., Rodrigo Vergara F.

Research output: Contribution to journalScientific reviewpeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Thimerosal is a mercury derivative included in vaccines since 1930 with the aim to prevent microbial contamination. During the last decades, the use of thimerosal has been questioned, specifically because of a potential association with neurotoxicity. After a thorough review of published studies on pediatric use of thimerosal-containing vaccines, and of position papers from international expert groups, the Consultive Committee of Immunizations of the Chilean Society of Infectious Diseases concludes that there is no solid evidence of adverse events associated with the use of thimerosal containing vaccines in infants and children. Therefore, a change in current vaccine practices refererred to thimerosal-containing vaccines is not justified in Chile.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)372-376
Number of pages5
JournalRevista Chilena de Infectologia
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2007


  • Ethylmercury
  • Safety
  • Thimerosal
  • Thiomersal
  • Vaccines


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