Physicochemical and antimicrobial properties of bovine and salmon gelatin-chitosan films.

Silvia Matiacevich*, Daniela Celis Cofré, Carolina Schebor, Javier Enrione

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


The aim was to study thermo-physical and antimicrobial properties of gelatin-chitosan films by gelatin origin (bovine and salmon), chitosan concentration and physical state (glassy or rubbery). Thermo-physical properties (pH, Bloom grade, color, isotherms, glass transition temperature, moisture uptake rate, molecular mobility and film solubility) and antimicrobial effect against Escherichia coli, Salmonella thyphimurium and Listeria monocitogenes were evaluated. The results showed that the presence of chitosan increased the water content of both gelatin films and improved the physical performance of both films, especially for salmon gelatin, without a significant (p0.05) change of color. Antimicrobial activity was effective against all bacteria depending on chitosan concentration and glassy or rubbery state, with the highest effect in glassy state. In conclusion, the evaluated films could be a potential application as bioactive edible films for fresh foods.

Translated title of the contributionPropiedades termofísicas y antimicrobianas de films basados en gelatina de salmón y bovino adicionados con quitosano.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)366-378
Number of pages13
JournalCYTA - Journal of Food
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2013

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The authors acknowledge to Salmon Oil S.A. Company to provide the material, and the financial support from Fondecyt Projects Nº 11100209 and 1110607 and VRID-USACH.


  • Bovine gelatin
  • Chitosan
  • Dsc
  • Escherichia coli
  • Films
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Nmr
  • Salmon gelatin
  • Salmonella typhimurium


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