Influence of different centric functions on electromyographic activity of elevator muscles

R. Miralles, A. Manns, C. Pasini

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


This study compares eight different occlusal centric functions with splint contact on different teeth in order to determine their influence on mandibular elevator electromyographic (EMG) activity.

Maxillary occlusal splints were built for eight subjects without craniomandibular dysfunction. Investigators divided each splint into three parts, in order to record different occlusal schemes in the same subject without varying the vertical dimension. EMG activity in the left masseter and anterior temporal muscles was registered during maximum voluntary clenching.

Results showed higher masseter activity with the splint than without, and anterior temporal activity was similar. There was a significant decrease of EMG activity with the anterior section of the splint. There were no significant differences between the remaining centric functions and clenching with the complete splint, except for the centric function with contralateral posterior contact, in which elevator activity was significantly reduced.

Results suggest that bilateral posterior occlusal stabilization is critical for maximum interocclusal force.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)26-33
Number of pages8
JournalCranio - Journal of Craniomandibular Practice
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1988
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
• This is the second article in a two-part series. This research was supported by Departmento de Desarrollo de Ia Investigacion y Bibliotecas, Universidad de Chile, Grant Number B 2362-8613.


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