Enfermedad periodontal y embarazo. Revisión de la literatura

B. María De Los Ángeles Herane, C. Carlos Godoy, C. Patricio Herane

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3 Scopus citations


La gingivitis del embarazo es una enfermedad inflamatoria producida por bacterias con una alta prevalencia, que va del 35 al 100%, según estudios. La severidad de la gingivitis aumentó gradualmente y alcanzó su peak en el tercer trimestre, seguido por una súbita disminución de la severidad en postparto, el cual se correlacionó con un aumento gradual en el nivel plasmático de progesterona y niveles de estrógenos que alcanzan su peak en el tercer trimestre y que sufren una repentina caída después del postparto. La asociación entre gingivitis y aumento de los esteroides sexuales sistémicos ha sido extensamente reportada y los mecanismos biológicos detrás de este florido estado inflamatorio han sido estudiados por décadas. Este artículo muestra el rol de las hormonas sexuales femeninas en la gravedad de la gingivitis aunque la higiene bucal sea buena constantemente. A literature review on periodontal disease in pregnancy was performed in order to corroborate the current thinking on the subject, given that female sex hormones are a determining factor in periodontal disease; growth during pregnancy causes vascular, cellular, microbiological and immunological alterations that condition a clinical response different from the rest of the patients. Pregnancy-associated gingivitis is a bacterial-induced inflammatory disease with a remarkably high prevalence ranging from 35% to 100% across studies. The severity of gingivitis gradually increased and reached its peak in 3rd trimester followed by sudden decline in the severity in postpartum which correlated with gradual increase in the plasma level of progesterone and estrogen levels to reach their peak in the 3rd trimester and sudden fall after the postpartum. The association between periodontal disease and increases in systemic sex steroids has been extensively reported and the biological mechanisms underlying this floríd inflammatory state have been examined over several decades. This article shows the role of female sex hormones in aggravating periodontal condition even though the oral hygiene remains fairly good constantly.
Original languageSpanish (Chile)
Pages (from-to)936-943
Number of pages8
JournalRevista Médica Clínica Las Condes
Issue number6
StatePublished - Nov 2014

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