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FONDECYT REGULAR - 1181770: Gifted women in STEM: A longitudinal study about career choice in secondary education
Gómez Arízaga, M. P. (Principal Investigator)
Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID)
1/04/18 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
Development of a Technological Platform to Assess Early Reading Abilities.
Orellana, P. (Principal Investigator) & Melo Hurtado, C. (Co-Principal Investigator)
2/04/12 → 28/12/12
Project: Research
Study of the Best Performing Schools of Education and Teacher Preparation Programs Around the World. Propose and implement improvements to our teacher preparation program based on international experience.
Melo Hurtado, C. (Principal Investigator) & Orellana, P. (Principal Investigator)
4/04/11 → 30/12/11
Project: Research