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: Trastornos genéticos que afectan el desarrollo cerebral: en búsqueda delos mecanismos celulares involucrados
Luis Federico Batiz (Invited speaker)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
In human spina bifida, ependymal denudation of Sylvius aqueduct is an ongoing process from pre- to postnatal life
Montserrat Guerra (Keynote speaker), Deborah A. Sival (Speaker), Antonio J. Jiménez (Speaker), María D. Domínguez-Pinos (Speaker), Wilfred F.A. den Dunnen (Speaker), Luis Federico Batiz (Speaker), José Manuel Pérez-Fígares (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Role of α-SNAP-mediated membrane trafficking in the maintenance of N-cadherin-based adherens junctions at the ventricular zone during brain development.
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker), César Aliro Gonzalez (Speaker), Alexander Ortloff (Speaker), Sara Rodríguez (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2009 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Molecular mechanisms underlying neuroepithelial/ependymal disruption during brain development
Luis Federico Batiz (Invited speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The Cross-Talk Between Membrane Trafficking And Cell Adhesion During Brain Development: Role Of alpha-Snap And N-Cadherin-Based Adherens Junctions.
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Altered levels of reelin in the cerebrospinal fluid of hydrocephalic H-Tx rats
Sharin Valdivia (Keynote speaker), Karin Vio (Speaker), Luis Federico Batiz (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Harvard Medical School
Luis Federico Batiz (Visiting researcher)
2009Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting an external academic institution
Alterations of neuroepithelium/ependyma lead to both, hydrocephalus and abnormal neurogenesis.
Luis Federico Batiz (Invited speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Defective cell-cell adhesion in hyh mutant mice: a pathogenic mechanism underlying cerebral ventricular surface disruption and hydrocephalus?
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker), César Aliro Gonzalez (Speaker), Alexander Ortloff (Speaker), Cristian Oliver (Speaker), Sara Rodríguez (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Expresión espacio-temporal y funcionalidad de alfa-SNAP en ratones wild type y mutantes hyh.
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Postnatal ependymogenesis – Un underestimated phenomenon?
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker), Antonio J. Jiménez (Speaker), César D. Toledo (Speaker), José Manuel Pérez-Fígares (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2007 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Lack of formation of Reissner fiber leads to hydrocephalus.
Luis Federico Batiz (Speaker), Sara Rodríguez (Keynote speaker), Alexander Ortloff (Speaker), Karin Vio (Speaker), Rosa Iris Muñoz (Speaker), Perry J. Blackshear (Speaker), Deborah J Stumpo (Speaker), Darryl Zeldin (Speaker), Joan Graves (Speaker), Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker), Tohru Tezuka (Speaker), June Goto (Speaker), Tadashi Yamamoto (Speaker) & Laura M DeGraff (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Postnatal ependymogenesis occuring in wild-type hyh mice increases significantly in hydrocephalic hyh mice.
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker), Antonio J. Jiménez (Speaker), César D. Toledo (Speaker), José Manuel Pérez-Fígares (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2007 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Molecular mechanisms underlying ependymal denudation in the hydrocephalic hyh mutant: spatial and temporal expression of alpha-SNAP and N-cadherin.
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker), Cristian Oliver (Speaker), Sara Rodríguez (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2006 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
N-cadherin-dependent adherens junctions play a key role in ependymal physiology.
Luis Federico Batiz (Speaker), Cristian Oliver (Keynote speaker), César Aliro Gonzalez (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2006 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Society for Research into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida (SRSBH), UK (External organization)
Luis Federico Batiz (Member)
2006 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of network
Spatial and temporal expression of alpha-SNAP and N-cadherin in different ependymal domains of hyh mutant mouse brain.
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker), Cristian Oliver (Speaker), Sara Rodríguez (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2006 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
La mutación de alfa-SNAP (M105I) en la cepa de ratones hidrocefálicos (hyh) afecta la reacción acrosómica.
Luis Federico Batiz (Speaker), Gerardo A. De Blas (Keynote speaker), Cristian Oliver (Speaker), Claudia N. Tomes (Speaker), Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker) & Luis S. Mayorga (Speaker)
2005 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Clinical and neuropathological evolution of the hydrocephalus developed by the mutant mouse hyh.
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker), Patricia Páez (Speaker), Antonio J. Jiménez (Speaker), Sara Rodríguez (Speaker), José Manuel Pérez-Fígares (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2005 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
An alteration of the subcommissural organ (SCO) leads to aqueductal stenosis and hydrocephalus.
Luis Federico Batiz (Speaker), Karin Vio (Keynote speaker), Carolina Wagner (Speaker), Sara Rodríguez (Speaker), Antonio J. Jiménez (Speaker), José Manuel Pérez-Fígares (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2005 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia (External organization)
Luis Federico Batiz (Member)
2005 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of network
Universidad de Malaga
Luis Federico Batiz (Visiting researcher)
2005Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting an external academic institution
Differential permeability to horseradish peroxidase in affected and non-affected ventricular walls during postnatal development of normal and hydrocephalic hyh mice.
Luis Federico Batiz (Speaker), Patricia Páez (Keynote speaker), Ruth Roales-Buján (Speaker), Sara Rodríguez (Speaker), Antonio J. Jiménez (Speaker), Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker) & José Manuel Pérez-Fígares (Speaker)
2005 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
La pérdida del epéndimo es un evento clave en la patogenia de la hidrocefalia congénita.
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker), Carolina Wagner (Speaker), Sara Rodríguez (Speaker), Cristian Oliver (Speaker), Antonio J. Jiménez (Speaker), M. Tomé (Speaker), Patricia Páez (Speaker), José Manuel Peréz-Fígarez (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2005 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
La expresión de hidrocefalia hereditaria en los ratones mutantes hyh es influenciada por factores maternos y por el sexo.
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2004 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Investigación del mecanismo del desprendimiento ependimario del acueducto cerebral en ratones mutantes hyh hidrocefálicos.
Luis Federico Batiz (Speaker), Sara Rodríguez (Keynote speaker), Fernando Gaete (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2004 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Alteraciones ependimarias en la etiopatogenia de la hidrocefalia congénita
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker), Karin Vio (Speaker), Carolina Wagner (Speaker), Cristian Oliver (Speaker), Sara Rodríguez (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2004 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Luis Federico Batiz (Visiting researcher)
2004Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting an external academic institution
Evolución neuropatologica de la hidrocefalia congénita en el ratón mutante hyh
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker), Catalina Hoffmann (Speaker), Sara Rodríguez (Speaker) & Esteban M. Rodriguez (Speaker)
2003 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Efectos del Sotalol sobre las arritmias de reperfusión.
Luis Federico Batiz (Keynote speaker), Amira Ponce Zumino (Speaker) & Gustavo Baiardi (Speaker)
1998 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation